We are a trusted provider of reliable and practical end-to-end defence logistics solutions for the military sector.

With extensive knowledge and expertise, we have consistently and directly supported Defence Force projects, exercises, and tier 1 and tier 2 service providers, serving both Australian and international military operations.

We collaborate with trusted partners for dangerous goods (DG) transport when necessary and maintain strong relationships with other defence partners, ensuring transparent and efficient handling of time-sensitive cargo.

Our Comprehensive Services

Customs Brokerage

  • SOFA and non-SOFA nations for exercises
  • Temporary Imports Securities
  • Returning forces

International Freight Forwarding

Import & Export Licenses for:

  • Explosives
  • Defence
  • Export Controls
  • Firearms
  • Vehicles

Our Work

Here are just a few examples of work we’ve done in this space. 

Direct Military Clearance Projects
  • Clearance and arrangements for Korea Navy already arrived for an exercise (non-SOFA country)
  • Clearance and arrangements for Japan into Brisbane (SOFA country).
  • Returning Australian Army goods from deployment long term in the Philippines.
  • Most recently, we facilitated logistics for key military exercises, including Talisman Sabre 2023 and Kakadu 2024.
Service Provider Clearance Projects
TRADEX requirements for components utilized in manufacture of Australian designed patent products for overseas military contractors

Looking for hassle-free and expert customs clearance & freight forwarding services?

Partner with Customs Brokers Australia